a little history.....
as a child, i remember my father picking a spruce tip and saying you can eat these. that was my first experience with wild food. although growing up in southeast alaska we actually ate a lot of wild food but in a meat n' berry sort of way. wild food and cooking with local weeds are some of my favorite things, and i share a lot of my experiences with them over in the blog section. i have always been drawn to the plants as a child i loved playing and pretending with the wild violets and seaweeds.
in high school i took a weekend workshop taught by janice schofield (author of discovering wild plants) this introduced me to medicine making and i made my first salve in this class. right out of high school i moved to montana and quickly became acquainted with a few local plants. wild mints, saint john's wort, and yarrow.
how it's going....
i have spent my whole adult life interacting, experimenting, and studying plants local to this bioregion. i am a self-taught herbalist and am continually learning. the plants have my heart and soul. i pledge allegiance to the land.
my herb craft mostly consists of one plant folk remedies, although i do offer a few combinations. most of the herbal remedies i create are made with fresh wildcrafted plants. i also offer a few in-person classes focusing on local plants and medicine making.
in addition to the herbal aspect of simply josephine i am also a soapmaker. i have been making soap since 2000, i am passionate about creating essential oil-free herbal bars. simple, gentle, and skin-nourishing.
sewing is a craft i enjoy as well, so there are usually a few sewn offerings. i love putting fabric together and i am continually inspired by color.
where to find me......
if you are local to the tobacco valley i am often at the farmers market and other local events. i usually attend the lincoln county fair and rendezvous days. we do leave montana in july and august, during those months i can be found peddling my wares at the community market in wrangell, alaska. i can be reached by email at dacia@simplyjosephine.com feel free to communicate with me there. thank you for stopping by my little corner of the interweb dacia
oh yes! my name is dacia, i chose simply josephine for my business name because my crafts are evolving and changing (i'm learning how to knit) and dacia is hard to pronounce, remember, etc. i love the name josephine and it is my daughters' name.