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botanical name: matricaria discoidea

extraction: 1:2 fresh flowering tops

alcohol percentage: 50%

harvest location: non sprayed field on my family’s property

a member of the asteracea family, wild chamomile has feathery leaves and small, cone like yellow flowers with an aromatic fragrance that is reminiscent of sweet pineapple. i use the name wild chamomile because most folks think i’m talking about cannabis when i say pineapple weed. the botanical name is matricaria discoidea. wild chamomile is a cousin of german chamomile and can be used in the same way. this is personally my favorite herbal extract, i love it for its chill factor. it brings me down a notch and aids in digestion. i like to take a dropperful in my sparkling water while cooking dinner. some traditional uses for wild chamomile include insomnia, anxiety, menstrual cramps, stomach pains, and relaxation.

this listing is for 2-ounce bottle. herbs have been used effectively for centuries, but they are not regulated by the food & drug administration + simply josephine's herbal products and statements have not been evaluated or approved by the fda + these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease + consult a health practitioner before using these products if you have any serious medical conditions, are pregnant, lactating, or taking any medication.

wild chamomile extract/tincture

$24.00 Regular Price
$12.00Sale Price
  • this item cannot be returned however if there is an issue with your order or you are unsatisfied please reach out and let me know so i can correct the situation at my discretion.

  • dosage is different from person to person i suggest starting off with a few drops and moving up from there. as needed up to four dropperfuls can be taken throughout the day/evening for adults. each dropperful contains approx 25 drops and appears halfway up the pipette. children ages 2-4, 4-8 drops taken up to three times day/evening. ages 5-9, 8-12 drops taken up to three times day/evening. ages 10-17, 12-20 drops taken up to three times day/evening.

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